W Psalm 100

W1 -
The Bible /Sacred Scripture – In order to know God we study all the books of the Bible.(Luke 11:28) “Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ.” St. Jerome 400 AD...
W1 -
The Bible /Sacred Scripture – In order to know God we study all the books of the Bible.(Luke 11:28) “Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ.” St. Jerome 400 AD...

W2 - Triquetra
The Trinity Knot (AKA the Triquetra symbol) is one continuous, ever-flowing line, which is said to represent eternity. The three interlocking arches also represent our 3 in 1 triune God,...
W2 - Triquetra
The Trinity Knot (AKA the Triquetra symbol) is one continuous, ever-flowing line, which is said to represent eternity. The three interlocking arches also represent our 3 in 1 triune God,...